Sunday, November 4, 2012

Free that I am no longer REQUIRED to blog, I still kinda WANNA blog!

Huh. Don't mind if I do.

Gonna shift gears a smidge. Now, instead of straining to think of something to say about my scholarly pursuits each day, I'm going to allow myself to FREE-blog it! As my JOB right now is to finish this degree, I am certain that I'll still be addressing issues of the ivory tower regularly, but I'm going to allow myself to stretch out...

Gonna stretch out in that oddly luxurious way that you stretch out when your loved one gets out of bed before you and you have time to roll over on their side of the bed and sprawl entirely out. Mmmmn.

SO, I have a reprieve from classes tomorrow, which means that I am going to shut this operation DOWN for the evening with ZERO guilt over postponing all further productivity until the morning. Tomorrow I will spend two hours on some make-up work, I will finalize my LSU papers to apply for Louisiana Residency, I will follow-up with the insurance folks who never called me back regarding extension of my insurance next semester, I will get notice from the head of the department about whether or not I can expect a visiting artist for my 1020 class, I will write the final two pages of my one-act which I will copy for all members of my class, I will follow with the baby-doctor who has failed to call me back twice now, if I get no answer about the doctor, I will make arrangements to have my baby in the back field by myself, I will get paperwork to my landlord regarding my last month here in my LAST apartment as a single woman, I will contact actors about a play-reading for a local playwright I have been assisting, I will get work done with the play Macy and I are directing, I will get some 1020 grading done, I will return an ARSE-load of library books and I will find out if I have to drive all the way north of Lake Charles to vote Tuesday.

I will also square some benefit issues regarding doctor bills from last year, I will call the hospital and talk to my grandma who I should have called today, I WILL work out for at LEAST 20 measly minutes, I will drop clothes at the salvation army, I will bring clothes for the MFA gals to peruse and OH...I have to go out to the Womens Hospital to get an injection. Apparently, since my blood-type is negative and my husband's is positive, I need a shot to ensure that Izzy will end up with not warring blood-cells.

AND...Izz n I passed our diabetes test, so YAY for us!

SPEAKING of Izz...Mace and Bacot organized a delightful baby shower for her this afternoon. What GRAND gals. It was super sweet!

Ok, going to sleep early!
Sweet dreams

PS: I think I'm going to revise my new one-act for Outworks. Gonna play with some gender-swapping and cut some stuff and add some stuff from a previous project and toss it into the ring.

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