Monday, October 22, 2012

Bluestockings RUNNING behind

Today my body is in knots. It feels like my neck is made of metal rods. Tension. There are so many things that are depleting the lives of the people I care most about and I am largely powerless to fix things.

Today I did not get to school in time for my first two classes. I thought I’d make my second but didn’t succeed. Rushing towards something you know you are going to miss is unbelievably frustrating. Each red light, road-block, slow driver clogging the fast lane…each of these reach a larger-than-life magnitude.

This isn’t the state I wanted to be in once it was time for the class to critique my play. I intended to get myself into a jovial and peaceful state-of-mind. Ah well. All went exactly as I expected it to go during the critique. I’m not frustrated by that class anymore, I now accept it for what it is and what it will be. I’m not looking to write what will matter to me down the road, I am looking to write what needs to be written now and I definitely have a sense of humor about the whole thing to replace the angst I felt before.

I now have a secret project. My next piece will be crafted to fit the “formula” of proper playwrighting…as can be gleaned from THIS class.  I will write in one-act form and finally cease the goal of a full-length. I will adhere to STRICT unity of location guidelines. I included a porch AND interior in this last piece and it didn’t go over well. The next location will consist of a single room, I may go so far as to make it a prison cell or cubicle. I will also adhere to STRICT unity of time guidelines. All will happen within a thirty-minute period. I will ensure that the piece is devoid of ANY blackouts. There will be NO break in the linear, forward motion of the action. There will be three characters, tops.

I’ve decided not to feel cheap about this plan.
I’m looking at this as a legitimate challenge.

In the mean-time, I am going to knock out three more hours of homework and then I am shutting down the work station and am going to soak myself in a tub and wash this stress down the drain.
I am going to get centered and be peaceful and I will wake up tomorrow refreshed.

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