Monday, October 8, 2012


Back to the drawing-boards.

My play idea for Playwrighting class is a no-go. I’ve decided to start from scratch and save what I have done for a non-school related project. I’m giving myself 24 hours to allow my brain to marinate some stuff and will commence writing some time SHORTLY after that.

Have any GOOD plays come from class assignments? I mean, I am sure there are plenty assigned plays which have general merit, but are any of our well-known, oft-produced plays the result of homework?
I can’t think of any. I invite folks to bring any to my attention that I may be over-looking.

On another note…

I got lost in the library again on Sunday afternoon. This happens to me semi-regularly. I find myself distracted by book-binding, titles, collections and individual books. It is nigh impossible for me to pass by an antique-looking book without picking it up and leafing through it. I have to concentrate on not focusing on the books sometimes as I am mining the stacks for particular call-numbers. I blur my vision, focus on the numbers taped to the aisles and plow ahead. My success usually depends on the urgency of the project I am working on. If I am finishing something that is due the following day, I am more successful at keeping myself away from the shelves of temptation…but if I have a week or more for the project at hand, I am extremely vulnerable.
On Sunday, I really had a pretty staggeringly-long to-do list. I managed to get to the aisle and shelf I had gone searching for but once I had the book that I needed in hand, my eyes drifted and suddenly I found myself sitting on the floor in the middle of the aisle. THIS is a dangerous place for me to be. When I SIT in the middle of an aisle, I haven’t got the foundation of a desk to facilitate project-style reading and writing. LUCKILY, I caught myself after only about half-an-hour of luxuriating in non-work related reading. Getting off of the floor was actually a challenge for me…this is something that has NEVER been the case before. It seems that my belly is now officially obstructing my movement. 

Guess I will have to stick to desks for the rest of the year. 
I suspect this will help to keep me on track.

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