Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Touchstones (A running List)



I read once that a creative person must always vigilantly guarding against desensitization. To this aim, she must maintain access to things that awaken in her a sense of wonder, appreciation, passion, inspiration, gratitude, motivation…

FEED YOUR HEAD, as Jefferson Airplane would say. Or your heart, soul…

I used to keep a list of touchstones written on a beautiful piece of parchment paper to keep my passions in view. I used to make sure that every so often, I would treat myself to things from my list. It has been a long time since I thought about these things, but as a scholar and practitioner of creative work, I think it is vital to stay connected to things that enliven you.

And so I dedicate this blog to a list of things my senses respond to, things I enjoy, things that feed me in some way. The list is personal, some things on it are trivial, some frivolous, some meaningful…all are a part of me.

Should anyone read this, I would urge you to do the same. Make a list of touchstones. Post them here if you like, I love to see what makes other people happy. OR, write your list for your eyes only.

Then…TREAT yourself.

My Touchstones:

Whitman, strong winds, gingerbread houses, Vivaldi, Singing and playing guitar for my baby, wood floors, old houses, antique jewelry, 1940s fashion, old fashioned pin-ups, storms, trees, tree-houses, forts, bon-fires, hay-rides, hot chocolate, champagne, Vosges chocolate, buttered popcorn jelly-belly beans, black and white photographs, old churches, abandoned buildings, ghost stories, swimming without clothes, food from the grill, dance, live music, country men, vintage cars, pumpkin pie, book stores, libraries, fire-places, aquariums, Christmas, seeing family resemblances in faces, hearing people laugh, taking pictures, camping, waterfalls, mountain cabins, old town squares, thrift stores, my parents, Traveling, Road-trips, being alone in Italy, being alone in Ireland, School supplies, museums, museum gift-shops, stained glass, tanzanite, expensive perfume, doing volunteer work, fairy-tales and children’s books, playhouses, swing-sets, Halloween, pot-lucks, herbal tea, coffee-shops, being on the water, sail-boats, fishing, quilts, theatres, performing, directing, jasmine-tea sorbet, Beignets, New Orleans, Porch swings, rocking-chairs, symphonies, my cat, California King sized beds, hammocks, yoga, John O’ Donohue, outdoor festivals, acting coaching , incense, candles, Christmas lights, night-lights, pajamas, rehearsing, taking classes, treasure-hunting, geo-caching, shooting, vegetable gardens, satsumas, chai, coffee ice cream, Spanish Town Mardi Gras, unashamed karaoke singers, unashamed dancers, state parks, music collections, hand-written letters in the mail, poorly wrapped gifts, true friends, making and keeping traditions, family histories, long walks, boating, kissing, Pablo Neruda, being fit, violins and fiddles, driving, Sunday brunches, good hair-cuts, the Red Shoes, my God-papa, my family, feeling my little girl practicing moves, laughing with my husband, writing stories with him, feeling taken-care of, seeing students surprise themselves, watching growth, gardenias, wisteria, salt-water swimming-pools, vaulted ceilings, claw-foot tubs, film festivals, choirs, cheeses, being out in nature, fasting, journals, pocket-knives, biking, dart games at the marina, metal-detecting, kenny-ma jewelry, kittens, ducks, beta-fish, sleeping next to my love, rain on a tin roof, cottages, bed-and-breakfasts, maid-service once a semester, Christmas trees, giving gifts, costumes, the moon, wrought-iron, fire-pits, kerosene lamps, playing NERT, pubs, Hubigs Pies, spiced jelly-beans, ZUM Frankincense and Myrrh, Amber, fishing, flounder-gigging, climbing trees, Thai food, carrot-cake, cooking, lamps, sconces, frozen-yogurt, theatre conferences, master classes, farmers markets, fresh fruit, mint lotion, mint soap, mint shampoo, Aveda products, massage, pastels and charcoal, the New Orleans Saints, harmonica playing, body oils, jewelry, Tiffany designs, oriental soup-spoons, vacations, care-packages, bubble baths, chandeliers, historic buildings, humor, living mindfully, spiritual health, clean linen, decks, seeing loved ones and friends happy and healthy, solving problems, sleeping without an alarm, stretching, freedom, financial security, the idea of being a philanthropist, NPR, caving, socks, big hats, filmmaking.

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