Sunday, October 21, 2012

To Do

Today I woke up anxious. Ended up in the hospital with my grandma again and my sweet papa is having a harder time with the chemo than I realized. Ma is taking care of everyone and is in Hell with her work. And I about all of the transitions that I am going through. I feel like there is too much to do and that time is rapidly slipping away from me. AM I worrying too much? Am I worrying too little?

Perhaps I should dedicate today’s blog to facing my fears.
Maybe if I write down everything I have looming, the worry will dissipate?
Maybe I can expel it from the pit of my stomach…like an unruly hair-ball.
Here goes…

To DO before graduation:

Ask committee members for their hand and blessing

Design a study plan for my general exams

Make a check-list for my dissertation project

Create a calendar with all of the above included

Sit down with my husband and discuss financial responsibilities if giving up funding

Research conferences and plan which I will submit for while I am dissertating

Attend McNeese production

Find out how I might apply to guest-direct or teach a course

Write my dissertation

Defend my dissertation

To get through the semester, I first must:

Write another one-act

Prep for final projects in my Intro To Grad Studies and US course

Prep for week two of US class-leading

Prep for my final ten-minute presentations and working group proposal

Submit my 17th and 18th C work

Keep blogging

And not to be forgotten:

Find a new doctor in Lake Charles

Get a baby-appropriate automobile

Move out of my apartment

Build a nursery

Grow a baby

Decide whether I think I can deliver without pain medication

Deliver a baby

Learn how to be a momma

Get a job



I’m not sure if that was cathartic or terrifying.

At least my Germanic wont for list-making was satisfied.

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