Friday, October 12, 2012

Muses and Questions I want to Answer...

Inspiration! I am taking the advice of my colleague,  Mz. M.D.J  and have pilfered a scene from my screen-play to use as the jumping-off point for my one-act.

CHEERS and much adulation to Muse MDJ!

Gonna attempt to add a Bacot-esque character to help me pass the Bechdel test this time around, as I so shamefully failed it with the screen-play. I’m just six pages away from my goal and am hoping to get done with it today so that I can read ahead for my Monday classes by this time tomorrow and then dedicate Sunday to my book and article précis which is due on Wednesday.

Depending on how the playwrighting goes, I may just flesh this piece out to a full-length and bypass writing a second one-act since my creative well seems to be filled with tumble-weed these days.

ALSO…something occurred to me yesterday and my thoughts are fragmented still, but I was thinking about possibilities for my second U.S. Theatre teaching week and was mulling over lots of ideas…

None struck me as overwhelmingly on-target, but I did get to thinking about an area of study where I haven’t seen much scholarship.

After living in Orlando and performing for the Orlando International Fringe Festival, I moved back to Louisiana for a while where I was involved in creating a small mini-Fringe in Covington, Louisiana. After the first year, I ended up letting the project cease because I was asked to return to Florida and serve as Assistant Producer for the OIFF. The following year, I took over and served as Executive Producer/Artistic Director of the festival. The board voted to have me stay on in the same capacity the year after that while I entered into my first year as an MFA student. But a few months into the program, I realized that it would not be humanly possible to pull off an MFA and a major arts festival with grace and sanity intact and so I stepped down from my position with the Fringe to devote myself to graduate school.

While with the Fringe, I traveled to Canada for two Fringe Producer Conferences, I was involved in PR, grant writing, venue management, tech and staff hiring, volunteer relations, product design, advertising, fundraisers, scheduling and special events. I’ve experienced the Fringe as a spectator, performer and producer. While the Fringe was born in Scotland, it has become an international phenomenon with a particularly strong presence in the Unites States. And though it hasn’t been realized yet, there is (or at least WAS) a collective goal among the U.S. and Canadian producers to create a circuit that would ostensibly allow performers to cross state and province borders in an unbroken chain of performance opportunities. While Orlando is the largest and longest-standing Fringe in the states, there are others spanning coast-to-coast with a comparatively new one now finding its legs in New Orleans. Each of these festivals has a unique history and unique relationship to the political and artistic goals which first inspired the Scottish Fringe.

Shouldn’t someone be writing about this? Why isn’t there a proper history of the American Fringe? What a worthwhile project. As I said, I’m unfocused still, but I’m really excited about the idea of doing some research and scholarship in this area. I feel like my history with the festival might position me as a good (and passionate) candidate for this work.

Gears turning…

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